viernes, 23 de agosto de 2024

Tickle v Giggle: traducción al castellano del resumen y las conclusiones de este caso



1. La demandante, Roxanne Tickle, mediante demanda inicial y escrito de demanda modificado, demanda a la primera demandada, Giggle Girls Pty Ltd, y la segunda demandada, Sally (Sall) Grover, fundadora y directora ejecutiva (Consejera delegada) de Giggle, por presunta discriminación ilícita basada en la identidad de género en cuanto a la prestación de servicios, en contravención del artículo 22 de la Ley de Discriminación Sexual de 1984 (Commonwealth) (LDS). En esta justificación nos referiremos a Giggle y a la Sra. Grover colectivamente como las demandadas.

2. Roxanne Tickle considera que el tema de la identidad de género de una persona, a diferencia del sexo que tenía o se le asignó en el momento del nacimiento, es simple y respaldado por la LDS y otras leyes, así como por el derecho internacional, que incluye los tratados de los que Australia es una de las partes. Las demandadas consideran que sólo el sexo al nacer es una base válida para que una persona pueda afirmar que es hombre o mujer. No aceptan que el sexo de una persona pueda estar sujeto a la autoidentificación. En consecuencia, no aceptan ni la validez ni la legitimidad de las disposiciones de discriminación por identidad de género de la LDS. Este Tribunal se limita a determinar, sólo en la medida de lo necesario, la validez, el significado y la aplicación de la LDS, incluyendo, en particular, si ha habido una contravención de las interdicciones sobre la discriminación por identidad de género.

3. Roxanne Tickle en el momento de su nacimiento perteneció al sexo masculino, pero ahora está reconocida por un certificado de nacimiento oficial actualizado de Queensland, expedido en virtud de la Ley de Registro de Nacimientos, Defunciones y Matrimonios de 2003 (Qld) (Qld Ley de Registro NDM), como del sexo femenino. Esto se derivó de, y se basó en, la cirugía de reasignación sexual, siendo el término utilizado en la Qld Ley de Registro de NDM, que se utilizará en esta justificación. El certificado de nacimiento actualizado de Roxanne Tickle da lugar al derecho a que se refiera a ella usando pronombres femeninos. En consecuencia, en esta justificación me referiré a ella como la Sra. Tickle.

4. El término Cisgénero aparece en el escrito de demanda enmendado de la Sra. Tickle y aparece en numerosos lugares en esta justificación, pero no aparece en la LDS. Como señalé en Tickle v Giggle for Girls Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 553 (Tickle v Giggle No 1) en [11], “cisgénero” se refiere a una persona cuyo género corresponde al sexo registrado para ella al nacer. En contraste una persona cuyo género no se corresponde con su sexo registrado al nacer, es comúnmente conocida como “transgénero”. Las Demandadas no aceptan la legitimidad de los términos cisgénero y transgénero.

5. La discriminación por identidad de género alegada por la Sra. Tickle se refiere a la prestación de servicios, alegando tanto una discriminación directa, tal como lo define el artículo 5B, apartado 1, de la LDS, como una discriminación indirecta, tal como se define en el artículo 5B, apartado 2. La conducta que se dice que constituye una discriminación tanto directa como indirecta se deriva de que las demandadas impidieron a la Sra. Tickle utilizar una aplicación de software digital para teléfonos móviles, comúnmente conocida como App, comercializada para la comunicación social entre mujeres (la Aplicación Giggle). Si bien se puede alegar alternativamente tanto discriminación directa como indirecta, sólo una de las dos puede prosperar en relación con una determinada alegación de discriminación. Mientas se alegan ambas, la Sra. Tickle confirmó en la audiencia que sus alegaciones de discriminación directa e indirecta por identidad de género se presentaron como alternativas.

6. La Sra. Tickle solicita que se declare a las demandadas culpables de infracción por discriminación, que se le pague una indemnización por daños y perjuicios (incluidos los daños agravados), que se publique una disculpa por escrito y que se promueva una orden que permita que la Sra. Tickle acceda a la aplicación Giggle en las mismas condiciones ofrecidas a las demás usuarias. La reclamación por daños y perjuicios agravados no fue particularizada, ni bien sustentada. Los alegatos de la Sra. Tickle no estaban bien redactados.

7. La distinción entre discriminación directa e indirecta en el artículo 5B de la LDS se examina en detalle más adelante en esta justificación. Llegados a este punto basta con señalar que:

a) La discriminación directa es discriminación en razón de la identidad de género, ya sea esa identidad de género auténtica o una característica que pertenece a, o se imputa generalmente a, las personas que tienen esa identidad de género;

b) La discriminación indirecta es la imposición, o la propuesta de imposición, de una condición, requisito o práctica que tiene, o puede tener, el efecto de perjudicar a una persona en relación con otra o varias personas que tienen una identidad de género diferente.

8. Las demandadas no niegan que a la Sra. Tickle se le impidió utilizar la aplicación Giggle. En cambio, cuestionan la validez constitucional de las disposiciones de discriminación por identidad de género de la LDS insertadas en 2013. Esto se logró principalmente mediante la adición de la frase “Identidad de género”, definida en el artículo 4, basado en la discriminación en el suministro de bienes o servicios en el artículo 22, y la estipulación correspondiente de lo que constituye discriminación directa o indirecta por motivos de identidad de género, tal como se describe en el artículo 5B.

9. Las demandadas niegan que hayan incurrido en discriminación ilegal por identidad de género, ya sea por medio de discriminación directa o indirecta. Los demandados niegan que el demandante tenga derecho a la compensación y, subsidiariamente, sostienen que los daños y perjuicios concedidos deben ser mínimos. Los demandados también impugnan la validez de las disposiciones de la Ley de Registro de Qld NDM que permiten el cambio al sexo registrado de una persona sobre la base de que esas disposiciones están en conflicto con la LDS y, por tanto, son inoperantes en razón de la aplicación del artículo 109 de la Constitución. Como se detallará más adelante en la presente sentencia, esta impugnación es errónea y debe desestimarse.

10. He llegado a la conclusión de que las disposiciones sobre discriminación por identidad de género de la LDS son válidas porque están respaldadas por el artículo 51(xxix) de la Constitución (poder de las relaciones exteriores) como promulgación de las obligaciones de Australia en virtud del artículo 26 del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos (1966) (Pacto Internacional Relativo a los Derechos Civiles y Políticos). Su aplicación al presente caso también está respaldada por la facultad del artículo 51(xx) de la Constitución (El poder de las corporaciones), por ser Giggle una sociedad mercantil y la Sra. Grover, su directora.

11. La LDS, de acuerdo con sus objetivos, busca dar efecto a la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer (1979)(CEDAW), y los demandados sostuvieron que CEDAW no apoya ni puede apoyar las disposiciones sobre discriminación por identidad de género de la LDS. No ha sido necesario decidir si el artículo 22, leído junto con el artículo 5B, cuenta en general con el apoyo del CEDAW, a través del poder de Asuntos Exteriores. Esto se debe a que el tipo de discriminación del que Sra. Tickle se queja no afecta en ningún caso a la CEDAW en relación con la LDS, ya que no es una discriminación a favor de un hombre o de los hombres. Está bien establecido que las cuestiones de validez constitucional sólo deben resolverse ordinariamente si se plantean adecuadamente en el caso que se ha presentado: LibertyWorks Inc contra el Estado Libre Asociado [2021] HCA 90; 274 CLR 1 en [90].

12 Por las razones que expondré a continuación, he decidido que la solución del litigio de la Sra. Tickle sea la siguiente:

a) No prospera la alegación de discriminación directa formulada por la Sra. Tickle, que en realidad no era la que ella presentó.

b) La alegación de discriminación indirecta de la Sra. Tickle prospera, ya que el fondo del asunto que interpuso se basaba en un requisito impuesto para el uso de la aplicación Giggle según el cual dicha condición le exigía tener la apariencia de una mujer cisgénero.

c) La Sra. Tickle tiene derecho a que se declare una infracción por discriminación indirecta por identidad;

d) La demanda de la Sra. Tickle por daños y perjuicios generales prospera, pero su pretensión de indemnización por daños y perjuicios agravados separados y adicionales no prospera.

e) Las demandadas deberán pagar a la Sra. Tickle una indemnización de 10.000 dólares australianos;

f) La pretensión de la Sra. Tickle de que se le pida disculpas no prospera porque es inútil e inapropiado exigir que se presente una disculpa inevitablemente insincera; y

g) Las demandadas deberán cargar con las costas de la Sra. Tickle.

h) Los costos con respecto a las cuestiones de validez constitucional e interpretación legal se limitan a 50,000 dólares australianos, siendo el límite impuesto con respecto a esas cuestiones por la orden 3 de 1 de junio de 2023, por las razones expuestas en Tickle v Giggle No 1, aunque permitiré que cualquiera de las partes presente una solicitud para una orden alternativa dentro de 14 días, o en el plazo adicional que pueda permitir.


miércoles, 17 de abril de 2024

When they get a hard-on, we get beaten

In neighbourhoods where Islam predominates the control exercised over Muslim girls is continuous and effective.

[From EL PAÍS]

Najat El Hachmi

12 APR 2024 - 05:00 Updated:12 APR 2024 - 15:57 CEST


Public opinion in France has recently been appalled by two cases involving assaults on teenagers. One resulted in the unfortunate death of a 15-year-old boy after he disobeyed another boy's order not to talk to his sister. The other victim is Samara, a student at a school in Montpellier, who has recently woken up from a coma resulting from a brutal beating by three minors. According to her mother and grandmother, the reason was that the girl was dressed “in the European style”.

We don't really know what this means, since the inhabitants of this part of the planet are so diverse in their dress sense, but it's not hard to imagine what dressing like a good Muslim girl means for fanatics: no makeup, no loose hair, no tight clothing and not showing a single centimetre of skin. That we are in Ramadan only makes tempers flare. If during the rest of the year, the intolerant are unbearable, that is as nothing compared to what they are like when they are hungry and thirsty. That Ramadan is a month of contemplation and reflection, peace and harmony is a mere fairy tale. Before, to comply with this fundamental pillar of Islam it was sufficient not to put anything into the body during the day: no food, no water, or that other thing, but Islamists have plucked thousands of more bans out of thin air, many improvised on the spot regarding women, who are asked to do their best not to attract male attention. Why is that? Well, because according to many sex-obsessed scholars, if a man’s member gets hard during a day of “contemplation and peace” and he ends up ejaculating, he will have lost the day of fasting.

Good Muslims do their best not to fall into temptation until “you cannot distinguish a white thread from a black one” but, of course, if they are surrounded by girls with bare arms, hair blowing in the wind and tight T-shirts, the task becomes more difficult. The obvious solution would be for them to stay at home, but how would it be possible for women to freely roam the streets while they are locked up at home? It makes more sense for them to ask girls to cover up and not tempt them. I don't know if this is the reason why Samara was almost killed, but control over Muslim girls in neighbourhoods where Islam predominates is continuous and effective, and it means penning girls in and turning them into no-go zones in the heart of a free Europe. And this is not only in France, many Spanish Muslim women live under the same fanatical and misogynistic surveillance.

They loathe women’s freedom.

 [As translated by me, any mistakes or errors are entirely mine]

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2023

New First Steps: The Last Dance by Mark Billingham

By now, Mark Billingham must be even older than me, his first novel "Sleepy Head" featuring his seminal detective, Tom Thorne, of the London Metropolitan Police Murder Squad, was published in 2001, 17 more followed, the last published in 2022, but he's had the audacity to seek a fresh start, and a very fresh start it is too!

At the beginning of the novel we walk in on a middle aged guy getting ready to go to work saying goodbye to his two pet rats and climbing onto his putt-putt scooter. At the office, his colleagues are rather taken aback to see him... Welcome to the world of Declan Miller, devout ballroom dancer, inveterate joker, Detective Sergeant in the Blackpool Murder Squad, and, following the very recent murder of his wife and fellow police officer, Alex, bereft widower. 

For those that do not know, Blackpool is like the Benidorm of Britain, but far seedier and with much less sun. I've never read a crime novel set there, but it is a location ripe for the genre, comparable to Brighton, the setting of Graham Greene's grim thriller,
 Brighton Rock

Two men are shot one night in contiguous rooms in an upscale hotel with the same weapon. One is the unfaithful scion of a local criminal gang, the other an IT nerd. What, if any, is the link between them and who wanted them dead?

DS Miller with his new sidekick are put on the case. DS Sara Xiu, of Chinese ethnicity and in her early thirties, is a brilliant foil for Miller, initially she comes over as cautious and introverted, perhaps a little shy, but she soon flowers into a lightly cynical counterbalance to her exuberant partner and we discover she has a rather racy private life.

Borne along by Miller's countless dad jokes which adeptly conceal a very sharp mind and a broken heart, leavened by the setting (one of the rival gangs' godfathers is actually a drag queen), and a think tank comprised of erstwhile coppers, now keen ballroom dancers, this is a thoroughly entertaining read, funny without being silly, with a solid plot and a great final hook. 

This is a brilliant beginning to a new saga, I need more.

[Many thanks to NetGalley for making this ARC available to me]

lunes, 20 de marzo de 2023

A Bloody Civil War: Flags on the Bayou by James Lee Burke

"War", Bertrand Russell said, "does not determine who is right - only who is left." and if war is violent, incoherent and hell a civil war is even more violent, more incoherent and more hellish.  Many of James Lee Burke's previous novels have dealt tangentially with the scars left by the American Civil War on Louisiana, his home state, to my knowledge, this is the first novel in which he addresses this issue front on. 

We find ourselves at the tail end of this bloody brutal conflict, there are a whole range of characters as our narrators: the spoiled son of a plantation owner and something of a pacifist scarred by a chance encounter with the enemy, a man employed to resolve conflicts involving slaves, an enslaved black woman desperate to find her child, lost during a skirmish, and a deranged, diseased Confederate Officer. If Louisiana is a jigsaw, at this point in time all the pieces have been tossed into the air and left to land where they will, so the characters find themselves desperately scrabbling between them, attempting to make sense of their new situation and lives. The Union has now occupied most of the state but is still allowing slave trading to continue, some renegade confederate units still hold out, but their savagery causes as much fear among those supposedly on their own side as in the enemy. In this context a slave unjustly accused of the murder of her brutal owner attempts to escape the help of a brave female idealist, the constable has a disastrous duel with the plantation owner's son and careless words cost innocent lives.

This novel is as visceral and as garish as the uncertain times it set out to portray so well, it is not for the fainthearted, sometimes I did feel it was a bit much, and the characters larger-than-life, a little too strident, detracting from credibility, but there's no denying that James Lee has verve and he takes us on one hell of a ride, and it will keep you riveted until the end. As to what that end is... I would refer you to the quote at the beginning of this blog.


sábado, 11 de marzo de 2023

Child beds and battlefields, House of the Dragon

There have been several reviewers, mostly men, but some women, who have criticised the abundance of childbirth scenes in HBO's fantasy series.

In episode 1 Queen Aemma tells her daughter Princess Rhaenyra "the child bed is our battlefield..." and House of the Dragon plays out that metaphor to the full. All those stunning, callous, sensitive, passionate, obtuse feuding princes and princesses have to be birthed and the way they are birthed has significance and impact and will influence subsequent events... Just as battles, tournaments and council sessions do. And especially since the civil war has its origin in the rival dynastic claims between the offspring of two singular women.

But I would argue that you might as well complain that battle and fight scenes, of which there are a great many in House of the Dragon, in fact, far more than childbirth scenes, are "gratuitously insensitive" because, indeed, they are. But due to the fact that men tend to be their main protagonists, there is therefore hardly a series, book or picture that doesn't feature such battles, duels, skirmishes and violent deaths, and we have all become inured to them.

Obviously it is disturbing seeing women giving birth, and the pain, trauma and angst childbirth entails, especially when several of the would-be mothers and the would-be babies, die. But like war, or even more so than war, this is a fact of life that we tend to hurry by... As we do the fact that before the advent of modern medicine childbirth had a mortality rate of approximately 5%, that's without taking into account the possible serious injuries to the woman's health. To this should be added that deaths in infancy were very high and there were no reliable forms of anti-conception available which led to many women having multiple pregnancies and thus increasing their possibilities of death or injury. But again, most fantasy fiction skates over this.

I would say that it is to its credit, that House of the Dragon does not.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2022

The House of The Dragon, Episode One: A Sick Kingdom

 Let's get something out of the way first, I am no neutral spectator. I am a fan. I have read the books. I loved Game of Thrones the series. And I did not think that the ending was as bad as many garment rending drama queens would make out.

I was, however, watching with my husband who although he is a Game of Thrones series fan has never read the books.

There are going to be many, many reviews written about this first episode in the coming days. So I only have a faint hope of adding something original to what better people have may have to say.

The first thing that struck me was the colour blind casting of one of the nobles who sits on the small council. Of course, it is not actually colour blind. He is Black and the rest of the cast are varying shades of white.

But how appropriate was it that opening the first Council discussion scene he is very learnedly reviewing a matter of international politics. And no one is paying him the faintest bit of notice. Thus Westeros is a great reflection of our current society. If you are female or if you are Black the white dudes are going to be deaf to what you have to say, however important it may be.

Lord Corlys of the Driftmark to give him his full title, is something like the Lord Admiral of the fleet. It seems no one is interested in what he has to say because everybody is very busy looking at their own Westerosi bellybuttons, the Queen is pregnant, and everyone is hoping for a boy that will clearly mark the line of succession.

Not that the king doesn't already have successors. He, in fact, has two. A beautiful daughter and dragon rider, , and a mercurial brother, who is also a dragon rider, Daemon.

In the episode’s intro we clearly see how the current king secured the iron throne, he was chosen to sit on it in preference to his older sister because he is male. Said older sister, Princess Rhaena, the queen who never was, is now married to Lord Corlys, so this middle-aged couple, the thwarted queen and her Black husband are the clear outsiders in the upper echelon of this society.

Prince Daemon, on the other hand, takes charge of the city watch and carries out a clearance of the slum areas with hideous brutality. When he is reprimanded for this he claims it is to ensure that Kings Landing will be safe for the great tournament his brother is about to hold to celebrate the birth of his supposedly male child. I did like this because I was reminded off how certain regimes do exactly the same thing when they are about to hold some international event. I like seeing the resonance in Martin’s writing to our current day society, look no further than the organisation behind the Football World Cup to be held in Qatar later this year, or the slum clearances in Brazil for the 2016 Olympics.

Yes, good King Viserys is counting his heirs before they are birthed, and we all know that does not go well.

Queen Aema in the final throes of a trying pregnancy warns her daughter that birthing children is the female equivalent of waging war. This is not a new theme in literature (“I would rather stand three times with a shield in battle than give birth once,” says Medea in Euripedes’ play of the same name), but again I enjoy it when these points which I think are valid are emphasised in fantasy writing. So scenes of a very bloody tournament which takes place in a venue which we see from above is shaped very much like a woman’s genitalia (reminiscent of the architecture of Zaha Hadid?) are intercut with those of the queen attempting to give birth. At this point my partner had to get up and leave his chair because the birth scene is one of the most disturbing in this episode and so it should be.

The king leaves the tournament to be at her bedside he is portrayed throughout as a good and sensitive man who loves his wife and is attentive to her, but the moment he gives his permission for a caesarean he doesn't stop them treating her with extreme brutality. As soon as he gives his consent her ankles are tugged, she is pulled off the pillows down the bed and the physician cuts open her belly, suddenly she ceases to be a queen and a person and becomes a mere receptacle for a Prince. Obstetric violence Westerosi style. As predicted by the physicians she dies, and the Prince she births dies a day later.

Meanwhile shortly afterwards Daemon disgraces himself and is called to order by the king and sent back to the wife he cannot stand in another part of the country. Daemon's relationship with his niece is very manipulative and they solely seemed to address each other in private in High Valyrian. I love these scenes; it is like those scenes in The Americans where the characters start talking Russian, it gives you a flavour of a people living apart from the people surrounding them, from another culture and with another mindset… plus of course the dragons only respond to orders delivered in High Valyrian.

Yes, Prince Daemon seems to be a bad ‘un but Matt Smith is an able actor and there are a few glimpses that seemed to signal that he actually loves his niece and his brother, and it is almost certain he would do anything to prop up his house. Before being sent into exile he tells Viserys he should have been given a chance to be his hand, i.e. his second in command, because he would have been able to do the things that Viserys, who is essentially kind, is unable to do in order to govern, for once we feel he is telling the truth and he may have a point.

In the last scene still suffering from the death of his wife and child, King Viserys makes a decision Princess Rhaenyra will be his heir and the final scene is of all the Lords of the kingdom being compelled to get down on their knees and swear their fealty to her, we are clearly shown how many of them are unwilling to do this.

The costumes, the scenery, the actors the writing, are all excellent, as is, of course, the music.

What I liked most though was the sense of underlying tension. The sense that a society that treats women as vastly inferior to men, as objects to be moved out of the way, ignored, and treated like receptacles, is always going to be a sick one and one which will pay dearly for that choice.

Me: 7.5/10

Husband: 9/10

sábado, 18 de junio de 2022

Why so called “TERFs” do not exist

By  SEGSTART:f29ab5b2-1bd8-4006-9723-d77d33f8bf69:3El Común

[SEGSTART:544e1ae3-8af3-4705-9430-be2c26d28f0a:5Translated from Spanish by Clariana]


 [Keep away, TERF!]

SEGSTART:9c62d958-fb6c-4b44-b019-dfa5891eda94:8Amparo Domingo, is a feminist activist and representative in Spain of a worldwide feminist organisation promoting the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights.

The Patriarchy is given to manufacturing insults to apply to rebellious women who do not obey gender mandates, the latter being understood in the only sense possible as a social hierarchy impose between men and women which dictates that women’s only option is to submit and shut up.

SEGSTART:970f945b-8ad7-4f15-ab99-b543ab685d1e:19We have been called witches, frigid, feminazis, and more recently “TERFs”.SEGEND:970f945b-8ad7-4f15-ab99-b543ab685d1e:19

SEGSTART:809865cc-5f65-447f-8348-b69922e6bdd9:20“TERF” is an acronym of the English expression Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist, which despite having been repeated endlessly in every corner of the world, makes no sense whatsoever.SEGEND:809865cc-5f65-447f-8348-b69922e6bdd9:20

SEGSTART:e901aff5-5592-4341-b1ec-e883b962231f:21Radical feminism is not called such because it is extremist but rather because it seeks out the root of the structural inequality of women in patriarchal societies, which is none other than our sex.SEGEND:e901aff5-5592-4341-b1ec-e883b962231f:21 SEGSTART:e901aff5-5592-4341-b1ec-e883b962231f:22It is sex and everything deriving from it (pleasure, reproduction) which has led men to seek to dominate women from the beginning of time.SEGEND:e901aff5-5592-4341-b1ec-e883b962231f:22 SEGSTART:e901aff5-5592-4341-b1ec-e883b962231f:23Forms of exploitation of women such as prostitution or surrogacy are clear evidence of this fact.SEGEND:e901aff5-5592-4341-b1ec-e883b962231f:23

SEGSTART:5e18b81e-4e18-4137-b2f9-e9f7c7b4c4da:24Why do I say that it makes no sense to refer to radical feminists as “trans exclusionary” (“TERFs”)?SEGEND:5e18b81e-4e18-4137-b2f9-e9f7c7b4c4da:24

SEGSTART:fc1fd0c8-906f-4cc5-b017-049859197470:25For three reasons:SEGEND:fc1fd0c8-906f-4cc5-b017-049859197470:25

SEGSTART:dabcd450-8677-4e2a-a2e8-1dcf55facd1b:26Radical feminists believe that every person of the female sex is a subject of feminism, independently of whether at any point in her lifetime she may allege that she has a “gender identity” different to her sex, a declaration that would make her “trans” in the eyes of “gender identity” believers.SEGEND:dabcd450-8677-4e2a-a2e8-1dcf55facd1b:26

SEGSTART:5e51c7d2-5734-4796-b160-68014ee05457:27Therefore, given that radical feminism does not take into account, either for good or for bad, that a women may decide to call herself “trans”, it cannot be considered “trans exclusionary”.SEGEND:5e51c7d2-5734-4796-b160-68014ee05457:27

SEGSTART:04424cac-2f32-4ef6-88ec-03b060b6c019:28As our English-speaking colleagues may jokingly describe us, we are not “TERFs”, but “MERFs”.SEGEND:04424cac-2f32-4ef6-88ec-03b060b6c019:28 SEGSTART:04424cac-2f32-4ef6-88ec-03b060b6c019:29This is an ironic acronym of Male Exclusionary Radical Feminist, a pleonasm equivalent to saying “climbing upwards” or “descending downwards”.SEGEND:04424cac-2f32-4ef6-88ec-03b060b6c019:29

SEGSTART:65c28145-514e-4eab-9df2-3a2b403e16ce:30Radical feminists, likewise, coherently, also do not take into account that a male person may declare that he has a “gender identity” different to his sex.SEGEND:65c28145-514e-4eab-9df2-3a2b403e16ce:30

SEGSTART:6359453c-086f-4da6-8b87-80fc31b8458a:31Once again, this information has no relevance for us, and we are neither for nor against it.SEGEND:6359453c-086f-4da6-8b87-80fc31b8458a:31

SEGSTART:2f8866d8-1fbb-4308-993d-45c5b07f9a66:32This does not imply an aversion towards or fear (“phobia”) of anyone, it simply means that feminism is a movement by and for women.SEGEND:2f8866d8-1fbb-4308-993d-45c5b07f9a66:32

SEGSTART:a5e7147a-b8f0-42a9-939b-5b4a3f243b8f:33We can explain it using an analogy, for example with the dissimilarities between basketball and football, two sports that work very differently.SEGEND:a5e7147a-b8f0-42a9-939b-5b4a3f243b8f:33 SEGSTART:a5e7147a-b8f0-42a9-939b-5b4a3f243b8f:34In basketball points are scored by passing a ball through a hoop suspended at a specific height.SEGEND:a5e7147a-b8f0-42a9-939b-5b4a3f243b8f:34 SEGSTART:a5e7147a-b8f0-42a9-939b-5b4a3f243b8f:35In football, on the other hand, points are scored when the ball passes a line delimited by a structure called a goal.SEGEND:a5e7147a-b8f0-42a9-939b-5b4a3f243b8f:35

SEGSTART:74f72ca0-d56f-427a-bdff-52f313ae4514:36If we had to refer to basketball applying the logic of trans activism, would we say that basketball is a “goal exclusionary” sport?SEGEND:74f72ca0-d56f-427a-bdff-52f313ae4514:36 SEGSTART:74f72ca0-d56f-427a-bdff-52f313ae4514:37Or that people who play basketball are “goal phobic”?SEGEND:74f72ca0-d56f-427a-bdff-52f313ae4514:37

SEGSTART:4626f313-8394-4c38-a7c6-4d72d67e6e74:38Or is it that they simply practice a sport that pays no heed to the rules of football?SEGEND:4626f313-8394-4c38-a7c6-4d72d67e6e74:38

SEGSTART:51f9657d-2812-44f4-9d99-7f532621908f:39Feminists have always defended women’s freedoms and to that end we have fought against any sexist stereotypes and restrictions imposed on us by patriarchal societies.SEGEND:51f9657d-2812-44f4-9d99-7f532621908f:39

SEGSTART:d5676479-625f-4e1b-80ec-1d49b00e224c:40Therefore, any movement or theory defending the existence of “pink or blue brains” or of some form of sublime essence of femininity cannot, by definition, be called feminist. SEGEND:d5676479-625f-4e1b-80ec-1d49b00e224c:40 SEGSTART:d5676479-625f-4e1b-80ec-1d49b00e224c:41To assert that sexist stereotypes are in reality part of the “true nature” of what it is to be a woman is to walk back decades the progress made by feminism and once again fall into an absurd essentialism, which only differs from the one before it in that its idea about our “true nature” - this ineffable “identity” -, has no connection whatsoever to the body which we inhabit, but is rather a feeling inside us.SEGEND:d5676479-625f-4e1b-80ec-1d49b00e224c:41

SEGSTART:5fa1e372-6ec4-45bd-85ed-65b2fac2e230:42A world-view that seeks simply to restrict the sphere of action of women, limiting them to the world of emotions, care delivery or superficiality (a pre-eminent interest in their appearance), while it sets aside for men the sphere of rationality and public life, as well as qualities like valour and strength, cannot by any stretch of the imagination be classified as feminist.SEGEND:5fa1e372-6ec4-45bd-85ed-65b2fac2e230:42

SEGSTART:9429b249-ed8a-48d2-a828-59f7f5be3697:43Rather, quite to the contrary, transgenderism/transactivism is an anti-woman ideology as can be seen every day in its attempts to erase us from our language using expressions such as “menstruators”, “people with cervices”, “gestating people”, “lesbian people”, “bodies with vaginas”, “birthing bodies”, etcetera. Nothing properly relating to our biology can be named just in case it makes those men who say they “feel like women”, sad, because it reminds them of their true sex.SEGEND:9429b249-ed8a-48d2-a828-59f7f5be3697:43 SEGSTART:9429b249-ed8a-48d2-a828-59f7f5be3697:44We must “be kind” and prioritise their feelings above our rights when it comes to naming our reality.SEGEND:9429b249-ed8a-48d2-a828-59f7f5be3697:44

SEGSTART:9d2eb98f-4437-4a3e-91f2-cb7d64633582:45However, it is apparent that they do not have the slightest consideration for our own feelings.SEGEND:9d2eb98f-4437-4a3e-91f2-cb7d64633582:45 SEGSTART:9d2eb98f-4437-4a3e-91f2-cb7d64633582:46They do not seem to worry about the dehumanisation that it entails to say that our vaginas are “front holes”, nor does it concern them how sportswomen, despite tough training regimes and all the effort invested, may lose a competition to a mediocre male benefitting from the natural advantages which his masculine biology offers him.SEGEND:9d2eb98f-4437-4a3e-91f2-cb7d64633582:46

SEGSTART:54377ff0-b09e-48f2-ace5-3e88b109bee9:47All this shows us that what really concerns transactivism is how those people who have or had penises may feel:SEGEND:54377ff0-b09e-48f2-ace5-3e88b109bee9:47 SEGSTART:54377ff0-b09e-48f2-ace5-3e88b109bee9:48Patriarchy 2.0.SEGEND:54377ff0-b09e-48f2-ace5-3e88b109bee9:48

ThusSEGSTART:519e5f8a-7217-4939-8430-b5275c37768e:49ThtTTthauplgauoil xhu, it is not feminism that excludes transactivism, rather #TransactivismIsMisogyny, something in complete opposition to our values.SEGEND:519e5f8a-7217-4939-8430-b5275c37768e:49

SEGSTART:e5acf5be-dc53-43fa-a5ee-d36b7544430c:50I insist, due to what I have set out above, it makes no sense to talk about “TERFs”.SEGEND:e5acf5be-dc53-43fa-a5ee-d36b7544430c:50

SEGSTART:d58dcb5b-0504-41bf-b42a-416900cf5f6e:51Those who are not part of feminism have no rights regarding our movement and theirSEGEND:d58dcb5b-0504-41bf-b42a-416900cf5f6e:51SEGSTART:3e5861f5-219c-4f63-b919-5e8af2fb7e85:52ttttheithei desires do not constitute orders for us.SEGEND:3e5861f5-219c-4f63-b919-5e8af2fb7e85:52