miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019

The Book to End All Books on Female Health: The Vagina Bible by Dr. Jennifer Gunter

I wish I'd had this book to hand when I was younger. I recall desperately looking for advice on cystitis as a young newly wed. Well cystitis is covered here as are periods, fertility, the menopause, STDs, hygiene, waxing, anatomical descriptions, practical advice, all dealt with frankly and openly from a feminist viewpoint, this book has it all on the things you always wanted to know about being a woman but could never quite pluck up the courage to ask that rather brusque male GP. And yes, there is even counsel for our trans sisters and brothers.

If you're a woman, get this book. If you're a guy looking for a useful gift for the woman in your life, even your mum, you could hardly give them something more useful or detailed.