domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

A report from the Battlefront of a Covert War: Fentanyl Inc. by Ben Westhoff

I pride myself on being "aware" (that´s the old fashioned version of "woke"), but I know next to nothing about the world of drugs outside my meds. Nothing. Don´t even smoke. So this book came as a revelation. It addresses not only about the effects of drugs on health but molecular chemistry, international relations, organised crime, politics...

Since the British empire, perhaps even much, much earlier, drugs have been weaponised and used as a form of waging war, wielding influence and gaining economic dominance, at the expense of the most vulnerable segments of the target´s population. And, if anything, this book is a report from the battlefront of that covert war.

Having said that, comparing opium to Fentanyl is like comparing a blunderbuss to an AK 47. The insignificant amount required to take human life blew my mind.  It is ironic (or is it some form of twisted historic justice?) that the major provider of Fentanyl is the party on the losing side of the opium war. Oh for sure they banned the drug but based on a precise chemical formula, tweak the formula by a molecule and violà! No longer banned.

Fentanyl and the dark web were made for each other, one is the snake that can slither anywhere, even into the halls of the powerful, and the other is the vemon delivering the coup de grace...

I am writing this in lockdown. In these benighted days the world may believe we have bigger (or smaller) fish to fry but once the most immediate enemy is vanquished, we need to concentrate on demolishing or at least curtailing the more subtle beast, otherwise one catastrophe will inevitably piggy back on the saddle of another.

How do we do this? This book suggests knowledge, tolerance, co-operation and better universal medical systems. I already hear the scoffing of the ur fascists and the populists, well, let´s see they cope with Covid-19 first... The truth is we are all in this together and together we need to find a way out or at least a way to cope and co-exist.

Thank you NetGalley for giving me access to this most illuminating text.

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