viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

Stoker´s Wilde, wild West: Stoker's Wilde West by Steven Hopstaken and Melissa Prusi

Ye gods! Our heroes ride out, again! Take one bluff, buff Irishman, Abraham (Bram) Stoker, (yeah, the dude that wrote Dracula), and another aesthete, Anglicised, Irishman, Oscar Wilde (he of The Picture of Dorian Grey), stir, send them to the American West, mix in the scions of House Roosevelt and a very nasty baddie who wishes to ascend to another world and his gun slinging vampire sidekick and you will have some idea of what Stoker's Wilde West has to offer...

Like its predecessor, also reviewed by yours truly (, this is a fun, literate read. Just the thing to take your mind off the plague, gah... 

[All thanks to Flametree Publishing and NetGalley for allowing me to read a copy of this text prior to publication].

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