martes, 16 de febrero de 2021

Timeless Humour: One Day All This Will Be Yours, by Adrian Tchaikovsky


A dude with a fetish for Soviet tractors lives a solitary but extremely contented life beyond the reach of time. He also has, of course, a partially feathered pet Allosaurus called Miffly. In order to retain dominion over his little corner of Eden he has to do certain things… I need to stop here because if I told you what that was, I might will be giving away the main plot of this extremely funny book.

Sometimes when I felt I need to cheer up due to living through these times of plague I have selected a few books from the NetGalley humour section. This book wasn’t under humour, but in the sci-fi and fantasy section, and because I had read and enjoyed a previous book by Adrian Tchaikovsky (Bear Head, see, I downloaded it. Apart from being sci-fi it is also one of the funniest books I have read: “… And if hunting someone down with a dinosaur isn't old-fashioned, I don’t know what is.”

If you love the murderbot stories or Terry Pratchett, you will love this.

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